A fatal shooting took place in Morenci of Greenlee County Arizona. Too close to home!

Author: David Allred is the creator of TheGunsman.com. Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.
David Allred on Google+
A fatal shooting took place in Morenci of Greenlee County Arizona. Too close to home!
Yes, another product review! I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with the amazing products being sent to me lately looking for honest people to review their products. They say good things come in bundles, right? Well, I’ve been receiving bundles of good things. Sandalwood Camping Lantern One of those good things is a cool little battery […]
I’ve had the opportunity to review some decent products lately, but so far, this one has exceeded in it’s class…but you’ll have to see for yourself by getting your own. The Survival Shovel So let’s take a look at this survival shovel. I’m telling you right now….it’s quality. Many other survival shovels sacrifice durability and […]
After just publishing my review on SportsTek’s survival shovel, and as you see in the video I recorded, I also received their LED Headlamp in exchange for some honest feedback. For the longest time I saw headlamps as something dorks used to read with, but things have come a long way since then. Up until […]
I was recently sent a camo trucker hat by the good people over at Amazon in exchange for an honest review. I can tell you this much, I am not the guy you’ll see wearing a trucker hat! I think my head is too small, or maybe my face isn’t fat enough. I don’t know […]
By SafeGuard CLOTHING No matter how much experience handling a rifle you have, you should never become complacent: safety and caution is paramount for shooters of all levels. Body armor is, of course, essential when firing guns in any situation: whether due to ricochets or someone taking control of your weapon, bullet proof vests can […]
In exchange for an honest review, I received this little Mini Folding Pick Shovel…and to be honest, when I received the package, it was tiny! I was wondering how this little thing could be useful with as small and light as it was, but I guess that’s the point, right?! You have to know where […]
In my opinion, a child is never too young to begin learning how to handle a firearm. Not all, but many of the gun related accidents among children could have probably been avoided with proper education. Given, kids will still be kids…and they don’t always have their heads screwed on straight, but again, in my […]
I’ve been around guns my entire life and have seen people do some pretty dumb stuff. When it comes to gun safety, I don’t think you should rule anything, and I mean ANYTHING out. Even the very simplest, common sense safety measures should be clearly outlined when someone is using a firearm for the very […]
I was watching Family Feud the other day, something came up that didn’t have, at least to me, one of the most obvious answers. The trivia question was, “Name something you’d find in a woman’s purse that could be used as a weapon.” As soon as he read it, I’m thinking, “Gun!” Right? Even though […]