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19 Concealed and Hidden Gun Safe Ideas for Your Home

floor vent gun safeCall me crazy, a dooms-day prepper, paranoid or tell me that I watch too many action flicks, because I’m all about expecting the best, but preparing for the worst. If you’ve been listening, not just to the news, but on the internet and to people you meet, we never expect crazy things to happen in our lives, but when it does, it’s always better to be ready for it.

Most of the stories I hear, the victims weren’t ready for it. Let’s be the rare exception!

And in my book, part of being ready for such an event within my home is properly concealing my firearms in strategic areas. Heck, we’ve all seen the movies where the guns are taped underneath the sink or are in the tank of the toilet. Sure, they’re concealed, but in my home, that’s an easy find for my two year old.

A good gun safe, from a tactical point of view, is both concealed and easily accessible, yet, is safe enough to protect your own children from injuring themselves.

Concealed and Hidden Gun Safe Ideas for Your Home

So what I’ve done is researched the gun safe and found some pretty original creations out there. We’ve all seen the typical gun safe. They’re green, about four feet tall and have a keyhole in the door, usually right below the “Cabelas” logo! Others are the size of a tank with a huge pirate ship wheel on the front.

But the non-typical gun safe is concealed in the ordinary things we use every single day of our lives, and that’s what you’ll find in these images.

I’m sure there are others out there, so please share them with me and I’ll add them to the gallery as I get them.

The one that won my vote was the Pepsi Machine gun safe. If there were only a way to get a pistol, or even a hand grenade from the dispenser when the “Mountain Dew” button was pushed.

(Click on an image to enlarge to slideshow)

By David Allred

Author: David Allred is the creator of Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.

David Allred on Google+

23 replies on “19 Concealed and Hidden Gun Safe Ideas for Your Home”

The drawer under the TV cracks me up. I can picture guests over trying to find a movie and opening up the wrong drawer haha

You are a… FRIGGIN GENIUS!!!!!!!!! This is the best thing I’ve ever seen. We might be moving into a new house and I am practically begging my father to get all of them installed.

Hi there I am wondering if you know where I could purchase the gun bench with the hidden compartment. or what company makes it..

My friend has many guns, and really wants the dresser/gun cabnit.. Is there somewhere I can download or buy the plans.

Please tell us where to get the gun cabinet bench or I’m going to have to make it for my husband and I oils rather purchase it so I can get it faster. Please!

Hi Angela, as far as I know, it’s a custom cabinet. If you can make it yourself, that might be the best way to go. Let me know if you end up finding somewhere to purchase it though. Good luck!

Hey I like the gun in the air vent but I can’t tell by the pic how it’s secured, I have kids at home too and I need a quick but hidden place like that to keep my 9mm. Do u know how that was done?

Most air vents are shallow enough to put a lock box into without having to drill holes. However, if the vent you’d like to put it in goes too deep, without having to drill holes, some high powered magnets would do the trick.

I am late to the party here… locally (Safford AZ) both furniture stores have some of the hidden compartment pieces. The hollowed books are not the most secure storage but do provide concealment and instant access. Unfortunately the hidden compartment entertainment center was not available for me to inspect because someone had just purchased it.
I suspect other furniture stores have this type of furniture. Ask you might be surprised… I know I was… I know I would have never asked if I had not previously been a friend of the salesmen.


I’m looking for a solution for 3 long guns and several pistols. I like the chest of dresser drawers. Where can I get one of those?

I am interested in purchasing coat tee w/bench that is a gun cabinet. Only see pictures all over pinterest but know buying details?

Hello, I have a fas-1 safe just like the one pictured in the floor vent. How did you secure that safe into the floor? Also, how do I get the Pepsi machine gun safe? Thanks.

Do you make a wooden entrance coat rack with hidden (riffle and hand) gun case? Solid dark wood.

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