
Pick Up One of These Bad Boys – Survival Shelters

Survival SheltersAre you a dooms day prepper?

If you are, then somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re always thinking of ways to better prepare yourself, and your family, for the day when all hell breaks loose and someone drops a bomb! With all the crazies in the world, you just never know.

So in the case that something does happen, it’s always better to be prepared than to be sorry. Right!?

I don’t know if you’re already doing this or not, but since I was a boy, I’ve been taught that I should to have a years supply of not just food, but everything else I require to live comfortably. Now, I’m not one of those extreme doomsday survivalists, but I know how important it is to be prepared for calamity, which can come in many different forms.

Survival Shelters

And quite frankly, I don’t know a better way to prepare for the worst than getting a survival shelter. Not only can it hold my years supply of food, it can house my entire family.

These survival shelters, depending on the package you order, come complete with toilet, shower, bedroom, bunk beds, washer and dryer, flat screen TV, recliner couch, kitchen table…and yes, even the kitchen sink! They’re also equipped with an NBC air filtration system. With a 200 year life span, these galvanized corrugated pipe shelters are built to last long enough to keep your family safe for generations.

So if you’re thinking of building a new home, instead of adding that basement, you might think about adding a survival shelter instead. All I know is that my kids would have a blast with one of these things. It’s like the ultimate kid retreat!

Anyway, enough typing already…..check out these pictures!

(Click on any image to enlarge it)


By David Allred

Author: David Allred is the creator of Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.

David Allred on Google+

2 replies on “Pick Up One of These Bad Boys – Survival Shelters”

That’s how to ride an emergency or disaster out in style! I would love to have one of these!! And I had no idea you could get packages like that. I will need to take this into consideration as my fiance and I look for a new home – may be able to work it into the home loan up front and have it added…..

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