
Five signs that it might be time to upgrade your gear

5.11 TacticalSometimes, in order to perform well in the field, having the right gear can make a huge difference. Having the wrong gear, especially in a tactical situation, can greatly influence speed, accuracy, your safety and performance overall.

One of my biggest frustrations in life, whether I’m hunting, fishing, down at the range or out in the boonies somewhere, is not feeling well equipped. For example, have you ever gone quail hunting without something to put the quail in, such as a hunting vest? Or better yet, how many of you have ever gone deer hunting and didn’t have a holster for your pistol? In case of an emergency, instead of resting on your hip, your pistol is stuffed into your pack. A lot of good it will do in there if the need for your pistol should arise.

So what I’ve done is come up with a list of five signs that it might be time to upgrade your gear.

Five Signs that it might be time to upgrade your Gear!

  1. If the back pack you use in your outdoor activities was also the same one you used in high school, it’s time. HINT: 5.11 Tactical has some great deals on packs or maybe duffle bags suits you better.
  2. If all you can fit in your gun case is your gun, it’s time to upgrade.
  3. If you’re archery hunting in an old John Deer t-shirt and blue jeans, it’s time.
  4. If you have to put your pistol in your pocket while at the range or anywhere else you are carrying, it’s time for a holster.
  5. No. Your favorite tennis shoe’s do not qualify as hiking boots. It’s definitely time!

Have you ever noticed the way people treat you based on what you’re wearing, carrying or using, especially when it comes to something gun or tactical related? I sure have. When out in the bush, the guy wearing camouflage, armed with the latest PSE bow will usually get more respect than the guy in blue jeans, a ball cap and a bow he found at a yard sale.

A millionaire dressed like a homeless man, will be treated like a homeless man, nine times out of ten. I once heard that our outward appearance is a reflection of our inward commitment, and I absolutely believe that. My father-in-law eats, sleeps and craps hunting. It’s his life. That’s all he thinks about. Thus, his hunting gear is the best of the best. It’s a reflection of his passion for hunting.

So if any of my “five signs that it might be time to upgrade your gear” apply to you, it’s time. There’s always somewhere else you can spend that money, but you deserve to have the right gear to get the job done, and look good doing it!

By David Allred

Author: David Allred is the creator of Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.

David Allred on Google+

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