Guns Pistols Unique Guns

Dyson LePetit Protector Ring Pistol

LePetit Protector Ring GunTo add to our collection of rare and collectible guns here on The Gunsman, check out this little bad boy. It’s called the Dyson LePetit Protector and was sold primarily to gamblers. I’ve seen both a five shot and a six shot ring pistol and have provided images of both for you below. I know for sure that the five shot ring gun is chambered in 5mm, but the six shot looks to be a bit smaller to me.

How Does It Work?

Petit Ring PistolIf you take a close look, you’ll see three levers. The largest one towards the top is the hammer, the one on the side and in the middle (in this photo) is used to release/spin the chambers. The smallest lever is the trigger.

I don’t imagine the kick on this little package of concealed protection would be anything to Petit Protector Ring Pistolfret about. If anything, when fired, it might feel like flicking yourself on the finger. Each ring gun comes with a tiny flat head screw driver and sometimes you’ll see other tools which are used in ejecting the empty cartridges. If you look really closely at the rounds, you’ll see a little pin near the primer end of the round. That pin is probably the only thing LePetit Ring Pistolpreventing the rounds from falling out the front side of the chamber.

I couldn’t find any evidence of these still being manufactured today and assume that a few of the guns rings in these images are over 100 years old. The quality of workmanship is amazing to me with designs to make the gun appear like a nice fat ring that, if used with a right hook, could render a grown man unconscious!

LePetit Protector Ring GunHow Much Does it Sell For?

I’ve seen the older, more antique ring guns sold for $13,000 online at However, total sale price included two ring pistols as a set. One for him and one for her. A match made in heaven.

Great collectors item, but if you want to shoot it often, you’ll probably have to get your rounds custom made. I wouldn’t mind owning one of these little pistols for myself.

If you know anything more about the Dyson LePetit Protector ring gun, I’d like to hear about it.

By David Allred

Author: David Allred is the creator of Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.

David Allred on Google+

27 replies on “Dyson LePetit Protector Ring Pistol”

I have to say that for the last few of hours i have been hooked by the amazing articles on this site. Keep up the good work.

I have always been curious as to how one would fire that thing! Too bad they don’t make them any more, this would make one fantastic fathers day gift for my hubby!!

I have a budy that has (2) single shot ring guns. David, can you provide an email so I can send you the photos.

I realize that this posting was last year, but I just purchased an Imperial Protector 7 shot ring pistol, and am interested in getting a Le Petit Protector as well. If you are aware of anyone who may have one or is interested in selling, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you!!
Marty Nevel

A precise shot could be fatal, such as in an eye socket or directly into the heart. If anything, it would deliver a blow to the perpetrator which would allow you time to escape or find an exit. You can’t tell me that getting shot in the chest or head with a pellet gun wouldn’t cause a little damage. This would be pretty close to that kind of force, I would imagine.

If I remember right. Been a while since I did ammo research. The pins on the 22 shell are basically the primars. Those are pin fire 22 shells. Instead of having to hit the back of the shell the hammer would hit the pin and fire the bullet. Which makes the gun not require a firing pin or anything. Hammer just comes down on the side of the 22 shell. There neat little guns thou I don’t believe anyone makes the ammo anymore but you can still get it custom made. There have been a few guns made that use this ammo type.

Would you be able to post pictures of it disassembled? I am really curious to see how the parts work together, and how it’s made.

Hi David,
I am taking a long chance, but might you have any information about the mechanism of the ring gun?
I have the ability to make one, but is would help a lot if I had some photo’s and specification of one
Thanks in advance.

Kind regards Hans Meevis

Hi Hans. I’m sorry but I don’t have that information. If you do figure it out, and have the ability to sell them, let me know and I’ll add your information here on my site.

Just came back from Czech Republic, went looking in very small towns. Looking for Ring Guns. I lucked out. Antique stores have them, but you have to look and look. They are out there but you have to go to Europe to find them.

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