General Guns Training

Gun Safety for Dummies and Newbies

idiot with a gunI’ve been around guns my entire life and have seen people do some pretty dumb stuff. When it comes to gun safety, I don’t think you should rule anything, and I mean ANYTHING out. Even the very simplest, common sense safety measures should be clearly outlined when someone is using a firearm for the very first time. In fact, just throw out any common sense you think this newbie might have, and explain everything, in detail, before you allow them to hold the weapon.

In fact, the NRA does a great job at breaking things down on the privacy policy at

So here we go. Let’s go over the very basic rules of handling a firearm.

Gun Safety for Dummies, Newbies and Everyone Else

  1. NEVER, point the gun at yourself or anyone else. This includes troubleshooting your weapon on a misfire. Should the round not go off, please, DO NOT look down the barrel to see what might have happened. It may very well be the last thing you do.This also means that you’re not spinning the pistol around your finger like you’re in the wild wild west.
  2. Always keep the gun pointed down range, whether it is loaded or not. If someone happens to be down range, remove your finger from the trigger, remove the magazine and the remaining round in the chamber and place your firearm on the table or in its holster.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are absolutely ready to fire, whether the weapon is loaded or not. This means that you know where you target is, you are aiming at it and ready to shoot. This also means that you are aware of others near you and where they are. (They should be behind you!)
  4. NEVER assume that someone is finished firing their weapon. Stay beside or behind them until they are empty and have cleared their firearm.
  5. Guns and alcohol don’t mix. Enough said.

Some of you more experienced shooters know exactly why things have to be so plain and clear. People just don’t think sometimes and do stupid things. I learned this at a very young age. You don’t even need a firearm to nearly kill yourself or someone else. All you need is a single bullet and a rock to hit it with. My brothers friend exploded a bullet that way, lodging a piece of shrapnel within an inch of his heart.

While in the military, I witnessed soldiers attempting to load ammunition backwards into their magazine, only to be all out tackled by a drill sergeant for swinging his rifle back towards everyone while out on the range. Seriously, I didn’t realize how basic it has to become in teaching a newbie how to shoot.

Sites? What are those?

So, if you’re new to firearms, even the most experienced shooters follow these gun safety guidelines. Don’t ever think you’re too cool or that we’re just being uptight. There’s very little margin for error.

By David Allred

Author: David Allred is the creator of Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.

David Allred on Google+

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