.50 General Semi-Automatic Sniper

The Barrett M107 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle

Barrett M107 .50 Caliber Sniper RifleThe Barrett M107, .50 Caliber, Semi Automatic sniper rifle gets my vote on the list of sniper rifles. You’ve seen it in several movies and if you’re into video games, you’ve probably fired it online. This military grade weapon has enough punch to put a hole through the metal back stop at your local shooting range.

The M107 fires a .50BMG round at about $10 each. It’s magazine is capable of holding ten rounds, so at $10 bucks a pop, blowing a hundred at the shooting range won’t be a problem.

The M107 has a range of nearly 1.5 miles yet due to it’s advanced recoil system, flash suppressor and larger barrel, it shoot like a true semi-automatic should.

Barrett M107A1 50 Caliber RifleThe newest version of the Barrett M107 is the M107A1. It’s nearly four pounds lighter than the original M107 making it just over 30 lbs. It’s a heavy rifle if you compare it to the average semi-automatic rifle, such as an AR-15 which weighs in at around 7 or 8 lbs.

You can view the M107A1 at the official Barrett website.

The price for civilians runs around $10,000 -$11,000 per rifle.

M107 Videos

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By David Allred

Author: David Allred is the creator of Besides shooting things and blowing stuff up, David is a full time Father and Husband, Internet Marketer and Home Based Business owner.

David Allred on Google+

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