A fatal shooting took place in Morenci of Greenlee County Arizona. Too close to home!

A fatal shooting took place in Morenci of Greenlee County Arizona. Too close to home!
Just like singing is a pastime for many, so is shooting guns…so why not combine them into the best rendition of “The Cup Song” I’ve ever heard!
Another firearm favorite of mine is the double barreled shotgun, or what some call a side by side shotgun. Don’t get the double barreled shotgun confused with the over under. We’ll cover that at a later date. The first double barreled gun dates back to the mid to late 1700’s and sported an over under […]
Halloween is such a fun and festive holiday. My wife and I have a blast taking our kids out to do some trick or treating. It’s great to see how excited they get as they run up to their first door to say, “Trick or Treat!” In my opinion, Jack-o-Lanterns are the best part of […]