If you’re anything like me, you like to browse the Google machine to scope out some new guns. However, when it comes to purchasing those firearms, I’m more of a hands on kind of guy. I’m not sure I would ever purchase a firearm online unless it was brand spankin’ new and from a trusted dealer/manufacturer. There are certain things that I like to look for in a gun before I purchase it, and that sort of thing can only be done in person.
BUT, for those of you who don’t mind purchasing your guns online, here is a list I compiled a list of gun auction sites, or firearm auction sites. Some of these sits come and go, they are sold off, acquired by another auction site and redirected, shut down and always changing. So if you find a link that is broken or that doesn’t bring up the auction site it was supposed to, please shoot me a message and I’ll get it corrected.
Another site to check out is AuctionZip. It’s an auction search engine that enables you to look up auctions by zip code.