Comments on: Guns vs. Armor; What Level of Kevlar Vest Matches up Against the Most Popular Firearms? Guns, Outdoors, Survival Tips and Manliness Wed, 10 Apr 2019 07:00:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Edenfantasys Wed, 10 Apr 2019 07:00:08 +0000 Kevlar has a tensile strength of about 8 times more than that of a steel wire. Tensile strength is basically the resistance offered by a material against a force to prevent elongation. It is also relatively light in weight for a material that is so strong. It has a very high resistance to heat (decomposes at around 450?), and unlike most other plastics, it does not melt or even expand upon heating. It is also highly resistant to cold and does not become brittle at very low temperatures. It is highly resistant to abrasion of any kind.

By: Frederick Wed, 05 Dec 2018 00:36:08 +0000 Concerning 12 ga. shotgun that jams up. Do you have a pump shotgun? Use only high brass shells . That should take care of that problem. I had the same problem and just changing to high brass fixed it. You don’t need to have a situation where someone is breaking into your dwelling and your pump shotgun jams up on you. Many stores don’t sell high brass shells anymore! You can go online looking for them instead. Vote with your feet or finger as it was.

By: Angel Sat, 18 Feb 2017 16:01:27 +0000 It’s interesting to learn about gun on an educational level.
