General Guns Training

Gun Safety for Dummies and Newbies

I’ve been around guns my entire life and have seen people do some pretty dumb stuff. When it comes to gun safety, I don’t think you should rule anything, and I mean ANYTHING out. Even the very simplest, common sense safety measures should be clearly outlined when someone is using a firearm for the very […]

Guns Survival

3 Guns You Absolutely Must Own To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

You know it’s going to happen. It’s only a matter of time. Eventually, the government’s ongoing secret experiments on the alien captured in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 are going to go terribly wrong. That will inevitably lead to an outer space alien viral infection of government scientists and security personnel, heralding the beginning of […]

General Self Defense

Carry a Gun in Your Purse Woman! Family Feud Trivia

I was watching Family Feud the other day, something came up that didn’t have, at least to me, one of the most obvious answers. The trivia question was, “Name something you’d find in a woman’s purse that could be used as a weapon.” As soon as he read it, I’m thinking, “Gun!” Right? Even though […]